The Light Bearer


Just remember, when you are in a tunnel of light - it is Lucifer that is the light bearer; heading towards that light is almost certainly heading towards hell.

People like to think the light is their friend; that light is associated with good, with god - after all 'so many bad things happen in the dark'... ?  I'd suggest the worst things happen in broad day light... in view of the entire world many times.

God is the dark, the devil brings the light.

This is not suggesting you enjoy the light, or prefer the light - merely that most humans do not realize that it is the Devil that brings the light.

You are not suppose to know or interpret anything related to the visible world - you are supposed to sit in the dark with god... and wait for other people to tell you what to do... to think for you; to tell you what and who god is... 

Or perhaps, you should sit alone in the dark - and contemplate god.
